
9/9月 【青色かるたで遊ぼう!】


Today we practiced our addition and subtraction, forming number sentences and using real life examples. In our later examples we had to make a decision whether it was appropriate to add or subtract depending on the real world situation. 

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We then returned to our dice game which was great fun – we have to strategically choose whether to add or subtract to connect 4.

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Swimming classes went very well today. 

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The students are very impressive. 

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Here are some examples of the phrases we are using: ‘swimming caps on, hair tucked in’ ‘in pairs’, ‘2 by 2’, ‘walk to the other side’, ‘line up, with your floats’, ‘kick your legs, splash, splash, splash’, ‘hold on to your float, lean back’, ‘holding on to the float, kicking your feet’, ‘next pair please/next 2 please’, ‘sit down, listen to the teacher’, ‘move along a little bit’, ‘lie on the float, superman style’, ‘legs straight, kick your feet’, tired?, was it tiring?’, ‘hands up, arms touching your ears’, ‘stack your floats at the side’, ‘head down, in the water, nice and straight’, ‘goggles on!’, ‘hands in front, head down, kick your legs’, ‘well done!’, ‘good job!’, ‘one hand on the float, one hand paddle, kick your feet’, ’18 balls, collect 2 each’, ‘dive down, have a look, over here, over there, to the left, to the right’, ‘let’s go!’, ‘2 teams, A team and B team’, ‘try to collect as many as you can’, ‘now, backwards, hands on float, eyes to the sky’












