
9/30月【Practicing Dance Routine・応援ポスター完成!】


In preparation for sports day, the children were practicing their dance routine.

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I helped to describe what we were doing in English.

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Here are some examples of the words we are using to describe the steps of the dance routine: crouch down… right hand up… count to 8… and the left… count to 8… both hands high… back down… and up again… shake your hands… looking out… shaking down… stepping forward… on one leg… round and round… in your groups… right hand up… looking out… turn around… hands up… shake down… looking out again… on one leg… balance… round and round… one hand in… one hand out… big circle… on your hands… one hand up… and the other… stepping forward… and around… make a wave… follow the wave… skip to the left… skip the left… skip to the right.

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We practiced using the columns to separate numbers into tens and ones, later we added hundreds - the children understand this very well now.

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We also worked on writing and spelling numbers as words e.g. n-i-n-e-t-e-e-n-19, again the students were very impressive.





