
12/16月【Math and P.E.・鶏肉の香味揚げ】

【Math and P.E.(1st and 2nd grade)】

On this cold morning we warmed up by singing the song - 10 green bottles, it allowed us to talk about some of the concepts we have already learned and introduced ‘lining up’. We were talking about position in line. From first to tenth and describing them in the manner ‘first from the front, second in line’.

We did our control and pass exercise in line – from first to second to third etc. We then did our dribbling exercises – it was great fun while I tried to ‘tackle’ the students! 

Later I talked about ‘fair play’ and we went through the pre-match routine – Line up and sing our anthem, shake hands and say ‘Let’s have a good game’

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We ended with a match – it went really well!





☆ 「鶏肉の香味揚げ」は、揚げあがりをカリッと仕上げるために、2度揚げしています。調理員さんは香味揚げの衣がはがれないように、丁寧に揚げてくださいました。

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☆ 「野菜の梅和え」は、大根、きゅうり、キャベツを合わせました。梅干しはよくたたいて、野菜と和えました。梅干しの酸味が野菜とよく合いました。

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☆ 「豆腐の味噌汁」は、短冊に切った旬の白菜も合わせて、いただきました。

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