10/26火【The school’s sports festival / Sweet potatoes from school garden / 給食】
【The school’s sports festival】
Tomorrow is the school’s sports festival.
It is a little different that previous years and we have many new rules, but the students will still work hard, play sports and have fun together.
Everyone is excited about the festival and we are looking forward to the big day!
【Sweet potatoes from the school garden】
This morning the 2nd grade class picked sweet potatoes from the school garden. Next month they will eat them together for lunch.
It was very fun for the students to get their work gloves dirty digging in the garden, but afterwards everyone got lots of fresh sweet potatoes!
☆ 豆乳で作ったグラタンです。
☆ 小松菜が主役のスープです。
☆ 黒糖パンは香ばしく、甘い香りのよいパンでした。