12/7火【Today’s lunch (Chili-con-carne・Sweet Potato Cake)】
【Today’s lunch】
Today’s lunch was delicious, healthy and a great accompaniment to our first cold winter day. Perfect for warming everyone up from the inside. It was a hot bowl Chili-con-carne made with ground meat beans and tomatoes served with a side of cabbage stir-fry.
We also ate a delicious Sweet Potato Cake for dessert at lunchtime.
The second grade class harvested almost 10 kg of sweet potatoes from the school garden and they were made into a delicious and healthy dessert. Special thanks to the second grade class for their great effort!
☆ チリコンカーンは金時豆、人参、玉ねぎ、豚のひき肉を使いました。
☆ チンゲン菜、パプリカ、キャベツ、鶏のささみ肉を合わせた和え物です。
☆ 今日のスイートポテトは、2年生が学校の畑で収穫してくれたさつまいもを使いました。