2/21火【About Canada and Mongolia, Snowing Outside・給食】
【Snowing Outside】
This morning in Kyoto, It was very cold and got some snow.
The city became full of winter scenery again with trees, mountains, temples, and houses.
They covered in beautiful white.
【A famous Mongolian Story】
Today in English class we read a famous Mongolian story about a boy and his white horse. Then in our class we had a surprise visitor; a character from the story. The character’s name is Sukh.
The students then asked many questions about the story and about Mongolian culture. Everyone had a lot of fun and enjoyed the lesson very much.
【A presentation about Canada】
Today in English class we had a presentation about Canada. The presentation was about Canadian sports culture, and also Canadian animals.
There are a lot of interesting wildlife in Canada, so it was very interesting for the students to see such amazing nature.
☆ 厚揚げの味噌炒めは、干しいたけやきくらげなどうま味たっぷりの炒めものです。炒めた後は出汁で炊いて、片栗粉でとろみをつけるため、おいしい出汁も一緒に食べられます。厚揚げは湯通ししてから調理することで、より味が染みておいしくなりました。
☆ ブロッコリーの入った胡麻和えです。キャベツ、水菜も合わせて色あいが鮮やかになりました。
☆ 三度豆の天ぷらは衣が厚くなりすぎないよう、気をつけました。三度豆は疲労回復に役立つビタミンB群が多く、9種類の必須アミノ酸すべてをとることができる食べ物です。