3/10金【Studying the Pyramids・シェイクアウト訓練・英語・給食「マーボー豆腐」】
【Studying the pyramids of ancient Egypt】
This week at school we talked about the recent discovery made in Egypt; last week a new chamber was discovered inside the great pyramid and the photos were published in the news.
Many of the students were very interested in the news.
We learned a lot about the pyramids of ancient Egypt. through a book of 3D models.
Students enjoyed the lesson very much.
【The 12th anniversary of the tidal wave and earthquake】(シェイクアウト訓練)
Tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of the tidal wave and earthquake in Fukushima and East Japan.
Today, we talked about some of the things that happened. We also talked about safety and being prepared during emergencies.
At 9:20, we had an earthquake drill and practiced what to do during an earthquake with the students.
Tomorrow we are offering a one-minute silent prayer at 14:46.
【今日の給食 3/10】
☆ マーボー豆腐は、昔々に中国に暮らしていた「麻婆」という女の人が、友人のためにふるまった料理がもととなり出来たといわれています。文教小学校では、辛みのもとになる豆板醤を使わずに作っています。
☆ つるつるの食感が特徴的な緑豆春雨はキャベツや人参と合わせて、サラダにしました。ゆずの風味がさわやかなドレッシングで和えています。